PrusaSlicer Adjustments for MK3S+ and MK4
Using PETG Filament
For my Prusa printers I try to leave my settings stock. Since I print inside Prusa Original Enclosures my environment is very stable, however I have made the following adjustments;
Printer Settings
Layers and perimeters
Avoid crossing perimeters
I had an issue with getting a part to not warp and with advice from Prusa Support they suggested that I check this setting so I have persisted this through my model configs
Printer Settings
Fill pattern
I have liked the Gyroid fill pattern so I have kept this
Printer Settings
First Layer Speed
I reduced this by 5 to give my thin parts like the DW735 dust boot better time to adhere to the print bed to prevent warping issues
On large surface parts I leave this setting default
Printer Settings
Skirt and brim
Set to 0 because they are not needed
Filament Settings
First Layer and other layers
Due to my rooms ambient temperature being around 65°F I increase both values from stock by 5